the whistler and now the whistler strange story from man the dangers involved in his weekly visits to the small cottage at west beach were great all yes steve conant was well aware of that he was well aware of the fact to that his reputation was at stake the spotless reputation of steve conant prominent attorney at law and he wondered if the girl who stood with him now on the dock and porch of the cottage the girl he held in his arms was worth the risk you really have to go back to town you know i do take care of yourself sure steve conant hurried down the path he looked back once and waved to the girl on the porch then drove off into the night an hour later the lights of the city came into view with the highway crossed the black mountain bridge and then as he reached the city limits glancing at the rear view mirror he saw the police car approaching then it was alongside and he pulled over to the curb what's the problem officer i thought i recognize you mister conant well uh... why i request to find you and ask you to come down to headquarters mister conant what's up it's your brother he's been picked up in hell without bail johnny what's the chart suspicion of murder wants to see it what for he knows i won't do anything he says you are his alibi this way mister conant he's in lieutenant hayley's office alright sergeant sorry you have to come down to headquarters at a time like that i understand it's quite all right uh... killed home on highest how are you lieutenant i'm sorry about this mister conant but johnny it tells me i told him you were with me steve all afternoon at my place most old man's been killed mister conan we think johnny did it i know he's your younger brother but this is murder were you with him all afternoon i haven't seen johnny in a month well johnny uh... where i'm not a lot of fun are you are a little bit you are surprised to help my little jag i just told you it was my alibi so you bring them in here and cute uh... if you're afraid of it now how about it stevie come on get me out of the still boxers sorry johnny get yourself another lawyer what did you say you heard me told you a long time ago we were washed up i don't have anything to do with you and your dirty rackets shiester you turned on your own brother half brother johnny you'd like to see me go up to murder wouldn't you you wouldn't let the finger out of your head easy tough guy go on on your way i can get off this hook without you but i'm not gonna forget this understand someday i'll do with much for you without a word to turn walk from the room johnny's voices threats still ringing in your ears lieutenant haley walks along the car at a richer side has an apologetic word friendly pat on the back to give you a few step out into the street he understands doesn't he they all understand as steven colman one of the most respected lawyers in the city you can't afford to have your name linked with anything on save you can afford to have any connection with the racketeer your half brother johnny the following day you can't move papers all the killing of a rival racketeer was told your half brother johnny's arrest and he's still being held without bail but that night at your apartment you have a visitor overton of haley come on in on all of our friends the corner there i just saw them by for a moment there i want to tell you about johnny has been released i thought you'd like to know oh yes sir he came up with a very good alibi a nice right now we couldn't hold it alright he's still pretty sore mr colman now uh... if you want to give you a couple of my boys who know that uh... will be necessary thanks for the fact okay whatever you're saying a quarter of an hour after the lieutenant is gone you hurry down stairs to your car drive across town with small apartment hearing the bell under the name plate edna what then climb a flight of stairs to apartment to old alice d boyfriend around come on in here's the rest of the family honey i a counselor and then a boy and one for you know the benefit of giving me a couple of the boys protection i don't think that that that was a great act with the down at the corner of the state by you should have seen it baby at sheet uh... they'll never connect us now stevie how could big shot lawyer like steve here mixed up with a dirty way now watch front for little johnny bigger and better and watch us grow baby bookmaking numbers slot machines punch board protection with torment out of the way little johnny takes over the whole look at the business will be coming over our guests the uh... assured only we've got to be careful and speaking of being careful you you sort of got your signals crossed up yesterday afternoon didn't you steve you were supposed to be here in town what we have done up at west beach how'd you know i was at west checking up on the non-common one of the boys so you had not worry about it at business well kato will be the next time let me know well i gotta run out for a while and i have a bit of a state show where you're going to i gotta see a little about the payoff of the torment out of our i won't be long won't be long people are poorly at the pain with him okay john uh... johnny yeah i've been one that talked to you about blue can you trust him sure up to a point i don't really trust anybody in this outfit that is outside the three of us are the only ones any of us can count on uh... but i feel it uh... he trusts us here's your beer counselor thanks uh... you've come from a minute earlier you've been a perfect front for the activities of your half brother johnny conant the racketeer haven't you yes and so far no one is suspected that this partnership exists it's a dangerous partnership isn't it you should have the thought of what johnny will do to you if he ever finds out about you and his sweetheart you know how ruthless johnny can be when something stands in his way he'll get you just as he got rid of buzz told in the rival gang boss with a bullet in the past several weeks you've tried to think of a way out away to dissolve this dangerous partnership but it's no use and then one night a week after the tollman killing you're in your apartment uh... hello we come over right away to risk it at the bottom you look can't take any chances right now he's hiding out what's happened about i'll tell you all you i'll show you why johnny take a look at that who's he that little gender the doorway across the street one of common waiting for me to lead into johnny's high another tough time getting the johnny was sitting the rest of the board around johnny's out there alone getting into the big time of the little jitter he won't even trust his own boys where the only ones who know where he is and one hundred forever he figured to let the tollman boy cool off that he'll make them enough he's pretty sure that they and i'm sure they will too some of those boys have short memories when the door looks i've been thinking i made it easy for that trigger man out there to find what do you think i didn't follow me up to johnny's high now it's not you want johnny out of the way don't you i'm like that why should you split haves with anybody when you can run the whole set up yourself but we'll never have to be afraid johnny headed into johnny gets it next thing you know copters forming all over the department seventy six they'll find the book and the deal payoffs and i was a little black book names addresses everything there i'll get it that book the only thing that links me with johnny the only proof i said i'd get in the name fixin' and then as you know the solution has been the way out you've been looking for it will cost johnny is like but you will have and that's more important than anything even more important without knowing if he's solved another one of your problems hasn't she's being something else that's been on your mind along time that evening before you leave her apartment you made up your mind yes don't want to do it do i finger on you put you congratulate yourself as you leave the apartment don't you see it's going to be so simple a killer's bullet will dissolve your partnership with johnny and with his book in your hand the only link connecting you with the rack i think you'll find a way to be free of at my pool you know she'll go to the police and tell them of your connection with johnny but without the book you'll have no proof bailout following day you wait anxiously for some word from it but nothing come and then early that evening uh... you know i want to see you right away something wrong johnny but you know i had to talk about it for sure but i dot about it and here hello well what's trouble johnny sat down it's the guy said that for the form of our is falling apart see something went wrong the cops have a downtown and i put the screws on my don't know how long is going on about it that day so we got to think you're the brains you think come on come on will give me time we have got time that guys walks the cops will be all over town looking for me i got a gun i got a no no we stay here or do i run the phone dot all baby out there every city he picked it up right back but he was under here top-water but even a time what about the little man of the itching finger team and you can't make all of you right across okay we won't take any chances i'll tell johnny to run for it many steps out he broke the book and faith what are we going to do ready with some advice you were run i uh... what's so funny every last few relax it that was said that he just got word that cops let my alibi go the guy who i'll abide me didn't uh... that's that's good good yeah so we can all relax and little johnny stays right here and they get a bottle of beer for the council given that now we're running along we just got a big day i think i'll run along to johnny later dot okay everybody's grammar okay she showers on and look be careful don't i'll be careful uh... seem across the street that our boy with the chicken notice he's got a good deal about the front and side and the department not going to do us any good long johnny stays inside yes but book it's in a safe place don't worry i want it you'll get it what's the idea the idea is that must have been thinking it out maybe i'll hold on to it for a while what for girl can't be too carefully once you've got your hands on that book you walked out well that's if i think night very uh... but what just doesn't seem not like it used to be a woman has a way of noticing and lately i've been i look at me you're all wrong maybe i am maybe you can convince that's what you see he suspects doesn't she that you're only concerned i was getting a little black book once it's in your hands you'll be free of any connection with johnny in the racket and you'll hope of it in the tool you realize you're going to have to proceed cautiously do your best to convince her she's wrong and later that evening in her apartment but it'll work steve i know it will show up at why me yet you'll have to be the one to call johnny's you're on like a frighten rabbit okay but i have to drive by the apartment make sure that trigger man is still there he'll be you don't have to rush away right now another dream anything you say well yeah and he's still there waiting for johnny now all you have to do is phone well i'm gonna find one of this time of the morning there's an all-night drug store around the corner i'll drive on out to west beach tonight steve you'll come down in the morning sure give you enough time to think it over that i'm on the level still worrying about the little black book i'll think it out there's a drug store jerry get back home okay i'll grab a cab up in the air uh... sure sure i know it's three o'clock in the morning but i had to phone you i couldn't wait what's up that alibi of your job let him go to the next show and it's not a word smoke screen i just found out he did talk a lot of long what yeah right now the cover of the mist on wide open looking for you you better get out and fast okay but get over to my place my car is parked in front the keys will be in it when you get out of town but i leave it and switch to something else i won't forget this that's all right glad to do it well you leave the drug store hurry down the street for johnny's apartment and arrived just in time to see johnny step out the front door and turn into the alley benefit your slips out of the shadows crosses the street and parts of the alley after johnny it's done with the your certain johnny is dead shot down in the dark alley by a rival gun now there's only edna to worry about and a little black book containing the complete record of your activities at the front for johnny's rack it's the only link between you and johnny in the rack and once it's destroyed you'll be free and getting the black book from edna isn't going to be a difficult you're thinking about that as you return to your apartment fix yourself a drink and then hello johnny and then let me in then you know what happened he messed me up pretty hard one of tomans torpedoes waiting for me in the alley but i got him to let me sit down sure but i thanks thanks for the offer car i had to tip you we've been double cross the cross she did it she picked up a good man and the black book she must have taken it she's going to take over with some of the guy you should know you're wrong johnny at no low-key no she's been meeting some guy out at west beach said found out she probably got away to a nap waiting but that kind of i never thought of it before you've been going to west beach a lot are you crazy i've always been in the level of you uh... you're a good guy who that is who's that i'd change my mind about had no you book that sort of everything doesn't donnie white nice and the with where previously released by cbs the columbia broadcasting system for listeners in the united states has been rebroadcast for service men and women throughout the world this is the united states armed forces radio service voice of information and education uh...